Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday inaugurated the Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025, India’s largest mobility expo, set to feature over 100 new launches across automobiles, components, and technologies. The five-day event is being held across Bharat Mandapam, Yashobhoomi in Delhi, and India Expo Center in Greater Noida, with over 5,100 international participants and an estimated 5 lakh visitors.
Recalling the contributions of the late Osamu Suzuki and Ratan Tata, PM Modi emphasized their lasting legacy in India’s mobility sector. He highlighted key drivers of the automotive sector’s growth, including a large population, rising middle class, urbanization, infrastructure spending, and the “Make in India” initiative.
Discussing EV growth, PM Modi noted a 640% increase in sales over the past decade, with projections to grow eightfold by 2030. He outlined India’s focus on EVs, hydrogen fuel, and biofuels, supported by initiatives like the National Electric Mobility Mission and Green Hydrogen Mission.
The PM also introduced the “7 Cs” for mobility solutions—Common, Connected, Convenient, Congestion-Free, Charged, Clean, and Cutting-Edge—while highlighting the impact of the PM Gati Shakti plan in reducing logistics costs.
Union Ministers and leaders from the automotive industry attended the event, which is expected to feature over 40 new product launches at the main expo and 60 at the components show.